Single Nutrient Fertilizer (B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, S, Zn)
11% B as Borethanolamine
Provides boron. Enhances growth of meristem, provides regular
blossom-time and fruit setting. Enhances maturity. Boron has a low availability on sandy soils with high nitrogen or high calcium content, in cold, wet and
Boron deficiency can be recognized by the bursting of tissue, heart and dry rot, poor flowering, death of growing points, and reduced fruit set and deformed fruits.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5 % water soluble calcium (Ca) with carboxylic acids.
Provides calsium to the plant immediately. Prevents and corrects calcium deficiencies.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
E_PhytoGreen-Calcium fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
13,5 % CaO (water soluble calcium oxide); 8 % N (water soluble nitrogen)
PhytoGreen®-CalciumCarboxylate contains low-molecular weight carboxylic acids.
Provides calcium. Enhances fruit quality. Helps to prevent bitter pit and pysiological storage diseases.
E_PhytoGreen-Calcium fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
Copper oxychloride suspension with 19,25 % Cu (256 g copper/l).
Copper availability is low on humic, sandy, friable soil, on soil with a high pH-value, during cold or in waterlogged or very dry soils. Copper deficieny is shown by twisted flag leaf and twisted younger leaves, shrivelling leaf tips, blind grain sites on ears, poor grain formation, stunted plants. Copper deficieny is shown especially in oats, wheat and barley; rye and triticale are less sensitive.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5 % water soluble copper (Cu) with carboxylic acids.
Provides copper to the plant immediately. Prevents and corrects copper deficiencies.
E_PhytoGreen-Copper fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.0 MB]
5 % water soluble copper (Cu) with carboxylic acids.
Provides copper to the plant immediately. Prevents and corrects copper deficiencies.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5% water soluble iron (Fe) with carboxylic acids
Corrects and prevents the lack of iron of any culture. Quick absorption and action in the plant. Stable product in the whole pH`s range.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5% water soluble iron (Fe) with carboxylic acids
Corrects and prevents the lack of iron of any culture. Quick absorption and action in the plant. Stable product in the whole pH`s range.
5% water soluble potassium (K) with carboxylic acids
Quick absorption and action in the plant. Stable product in the whole pH`s range.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
PhytoGreen®-PotassiumCarboxylate high
33 % K2O (water soluble potassium oxide) and 8 % N (water soluble nitrogen) with carboxylic acids
Provides potassium for all cultures.
E_PhytoGreen-Potassium fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
5% water soluble magnesium (Mg) with carboxylic acids
Provides magnesium for all cultivated plants. Quick absorption and direct availability.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
9 % water soluble magnesium oxide (119 g/l MgO) and 6 % water soluble nitogen (80 g/l N) for quick absorption and direct availability.
E_PhytoGreen-Magnesium fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
33% magnesium oxide (MgO)
Provides magnesium for all cultivated plants. Improves quality, vitality and yield. Supports control of botrytis and stem necrosis in viticulture.
27 % manganese (500 g Mn/l) out of micronized MnCO3 (manganese carbonate)
To provide manganese.
Manganese has a low availability on rich, sandy, loose soils, on soils with high pH value and in the cold and wet.
Manganese deficiency can be recognized by the yellowing of leaves, black spots on the leaf, light green marbling between the main veins, loss of quality, e.g. poor shell
quality of potatoes.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5 % water soluble manganese (Mn) with carboxylic acids
Provides manganese. Quick absorption and direct availability.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5 % water soluble manganese (Mn) with carboxylic acids
Provides manganese. Quick absorption and direct availability.
E_PhytoGreen-Manganese fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
10,9 % water soluble manganese (150 g/l Mn) formulated with buffering agents and a modern surfactant system to ensure stability and effective cover and adhesion to foliage.
E_PhytoGreen-Manganese fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
15,6 % Mo (water soluble Molybdenum)
Molybdenum availability is low on light and acidic soils (sandy half-bog soils, highmoor soils, garden mould and nutrient substratums) as well as during dryness.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
PhytoGreen®-Sulphur800, micronized
58 % sulphur (800 g S/l) based on micronized elemental sulphur
To provide sulphur. Sulphur has a low availability on acid soils, poorly aerated
soils and on soils with low humus content.
Sulphur deficiency can be recognized by gray / yellow marbling of younger leaves, scrunched stature, pale yellow flowers, delayed ripening and reduced oil content in oilseeds.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
Zinc oxide fertilizer suspension with 39,8% Zn (zinc)
To provide zinc. Zinc has a low availability on soils with high Phosphor content, in cold and
wet, humic soils and at high pH value.
Zinc deficiency can be recognized by chlorotic stripes, orange tinge, stunted growth and small leaves.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.
5 % water soluble zinc with carboxylic acids
Supplies zinc. Quick absorption and direct availability.
In compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production
5 % water soluble zinc with carboxylic acids
Supplies zinc. Quick absorption and direct availability.
E_PhytoGreen-Zinc fertiliser.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
NEU - PHYTOsolution und CMM - Crop Microclimate Managememt Inc./USA vereinbaren eine Distributions -Partnerschaft für die D-A-CH-Staaten für die Vermarktung von PHOTON®
Eine Untersuchung der Bodenchemie und der Bodenvitalität nach Haney wird ab sofort vom Institut für Agrar- und Umweltanalytik angeboten:
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
Vorhaben im Rahmen der Europäischen Innovationspartner-
schaft "Landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit“ (EIP-AGRI) genehmigt – Ackerbauern in Sachsen-Anhalt zum Mitmachen bei Pflanzenanalysen gesucht!
Für weitere Infos auf das Bild klicken:
ASKAPHY® - Fungizid gegen Falschen Mehltau (Plasmopara viticola) in der Weinrebe
Handelspartner gesucht
PDF-Dokument [170.0 KB]
Wir wachsen weiter und suchen Fachberater z.B. für:
> Pfalz/Rheinhessen
> Baden-Württemberg
> Schleswig-Holstein
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