BIO/Organic NPK-Fertilizer

All of the following fertilizers are in compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2018/848 on organic production.

As raw materials we use molasses, plant derived proteins, hyperphosphate and micronized rock flour. PhytoGreen-NPK Bio products are available in several nutrient combinations. Tailor-made recipes are possible!


The organic NK-Fertilizer 4-6,5 from natural plant source. The well balanced nutrient supply for plants with a high amount of natural potassium.

Product information PhytoGreen-NK Bio
E_PhytoGreen-Bio-NPK_ vinasse.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

PhytoGreen®-NPK-Bio 2-5-8

Organic mineral NPK-Fertilizer 2-5-8 with micronized trace elements,  seaweed sap, vitamins, auxins, and other phytohormons. 

2% organic N, 5% P2O5, 8% K2O.

With 5% Ca; 2% S, 0.1% Mg; 0.1% Mn; 0.1% Fe; 0.0005% B;  0.1% Cu; 0.1% Zn; Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K.

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK Bio 2-5-8
E_PhytoGreen-Bio-NPK_ vinasse.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

PhytoGreen®-NPK-Bio 3-3-3

Organic mineral NPK-Fertilizer 3-4-3 with micronized trace elements,  seaweed sap, vitamins, auxins, and other phytohormons. 

3% organic N, 3% P2O5, 3% K2O.

With 6% CaO; 1% S, 0.3% Mg; 0.2% Mn; 0.2% Fe; 0.1% Cu; 0.1% Zn; Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K.

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK-Bio 3-4-3
E_PhytoGreen-Bio-NPK_ vinasse.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

PhytoGreen®-NPK-Bio 4-1-5

Organic mineral NPK-Fertilizer 4-1-5 with micronized trace elements,  seaweed sap, vitamins, auxins, and other phytohormons. 

4% organic N, 1% P2O5, 5% K2O.

With 1,5% Ca; 1% S, 0.3% Mg; 0.1% Mn; 0.1% Fe; 0.1% Cu; 0.1% Zn; Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K.

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK Bio 4-1-5
E_PhytoGreen-Bio-NPK_ vinasse.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

PhytoGreen®-NPK-Bio 8-3-4

Organic mineral NPK-Fertilizer 8-3-4 with micronized trace elements,  seaweed sap, vitamins, auxins, and other phytohormons. 

8% organic N, 3% P2O5, 4% K2O.

With 3% Ca; 1% S, 0.1% Mg; 0.1% Mn; 0.1% Fe; 0.1% Cu; 0.1% Zn; Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K.

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK Bio 8-3-4
E_PhytoGreen-Bio-NPK_ vinasse.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

PhytoGreen-Bio-NPK`s without sugar beet vinasse

We also provide a range of organic NPK fertilizers based on other plant derived raw materials than sugar beet vinasse.

Further tailor made compositions on demand possible !


NEU - PHYTOsolution und CMM - Crop Microclimate Managememt Inc./USA vereinbaren eine Distributions -Partnerschaft für die D-A-CH-Staaten für die Vermarktung von PHOTON®


PHOTON® - website CMM

Eine Untersuchung der Bodenchemie und der Bodenvitalität nach Haney wird ab sofort vom Institut für Agrar- und Umweltanalytik angeboten:

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Vorhaben im Rahmen der Europäischen Innovationspartner-

schaft "Landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit“ (EIP-AGRI) genehmigt – Ackerbauern in Sachsen-Anhalt zum Mitmachen bei Pflanzenanalysen gesucht!

Für weitere Infos auf das Bild klicken:

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PDF-Dokument [170.0 KB]


Wir wachsen weiter und suchen Fachberater z.B. für:

> Pfalz/Rheinhessen

> Baden-Württemberg

> Schleswig-Holstein

> Bayern

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