
PhytoGreen® NPK 12-4-6

NPK-Fertilizer liquid 12-4-6 with trace elements

12 % N,  4 % P2O5, 6% K2O

0,01% B, 0,002% Cu, 0,02% Fe, 0,01% Mn, 0,001% Mo, 0,002% Zn


Product information PhytoGreen-NPK 12-4-6
E_PhytoGreen-NPK standard formulations.[...]
PDF-Dokument [1.0 MB]

PhytoGreen® NPK 8-8-6

NPK-Fertilizer liquid 8-8-6 with trace elements

8 % N,  8 % P2O5, 6% K2O

0,01 % B, 0,005 % Cu, 0,01 % Mn, 0,01 % Zn

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK 8-8-6
E_PhytoGreen-NPK standard formulations.[...]
PDF-Dokument [1.0 MB]

PhytoGreen® NPK 5-20-5

NPK-Fertilizer with high phosphorous content.
5% N, 20% P2O5, 5% K2O

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK 5-20-5
E_PhytoGreen-NPK standard formulations.[...]
PDF-Dokument [1.0 MB]

PhytoGreen® NPK 7-21-7 plus Microelements

NPK-Fertilizer with high phosphorous content and trace elements.
7% N, 21% P2O5, 7% K2O

0.02% B, 0.05% Fe, 0.05% Mn

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK 7-21-7
E_PhytoGreen-NPK standard formulations.[...]
PDF-Dokument [1.0 MB]

PhytoGreen® NPK Plus

A unique Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium formulation blended with secondary nutrients, trace elements and organic acids.

12.0% w/v N (120 g/l nitrogen), 8.0% w/v P2O5 (80 g/l water soluble phosporus), 4.0% w/v K2O (40 g/l water soluble potassium)

2.4% w/v MgO (water soluble magnesium)

0.04% w/v B, 0.008% w/v Cu, 0.007% w/v Fe, 0.228% w/v Mn, 0.0005% w/v Mo, 0.009% w/v Zn

Product information PhytoGreen-NPK Plus
E_PhytoGreen-NPK Plus.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]


NEU - PHYTOsolution und CMM - Crop Microclimate Managememt Inc./USA vereinbaren eine Distributions -Partnerschaft für die D-A-CH-Staaten für die Vermarktung von PHOTON®


PHOTON® - website CMM


Eine Untersuchung der Bodenchemie und der Bodenvitalität nach Haney wird ab sofort vom Institut für Agrar- und Umweltanalytik angeboten:

Bodenuntersuchung nach Haney - Haney-Soil-Health-Test
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

ASKAPHY® - Fungizid gegen Falschen Mehltau (Plasmopara viticola) in der Weinrebe

Handelspartner gesucht

PDF-Dokument [170.0 KB]


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