Information and Services
Our partnership with IAU - Institut for agricultural analysis - will allow you to carry out leaf analysis in a short period of time as we have booked premier capacity in the laboratory for small costs and selected parameters.
For primary information please have a look at:
Please get in touch with our specialized consultants if you are interested in further detailed information.
Service is our claim
Foliar fertilization gains in
importance within the last years, since it can compensate nutrient deficits during the growing
season quickly and safely. Provided a basic level of soil nutrients, the foliar fertilization offers the opportunity to supply additional nutrients and provide optimal growth conditions throughout the whole season.
Therefore, we offer a "competency-package" consisting of soil and leaf analysis plus expert advice in order to implement the
knowledge gained.
Our team of consultants will be happy to help and recommend.
NEU - PHYTOsolution und CMM - Crop Microclimate Managememt Inc./USA vereinbaren eine Distributions -Partnerschaft für die D-A-CH-Staaten für die Vermarktung von PHOTON®
Eine Untersuchung der Bodenchemie und der Bodenvitalität nach Haney wird ab sofort vom Institut für Agrar- und Umweltanalytik angeboten:
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
ASKAPHY® - Fungizid gegen Falschen Mehltau (Plasmopara viticola) in der Weinrebe
Handelspartner gesucht
PDF-Dokument [170.0 KB]
Wir wachsen weiter und suchen Fachberater z.B. für:
> Pfalz/Rheinhessen
> Baden-Württemberg
> Schleswig-Holstein
> Bayern
PHYTOsolution bietet einen eigenen Pflanzen- und Wasseranalysen
-Service an - für unsere Kunden i.d.R. kostenlos! Weitere Infos:
Sie erreichen uns unter/you can reach us under:
+49 34464 61044
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