Leaf Analysis in "Precision farming"
Lack of trace elements may lead to severe damages to plants and lower yield significantly. Visual deficiency symptoms can help to recognize and narrow the problem, but they can not disclose in detail where exactly the problem lies. Moreover, as soon as visual symptoms occur, plant tissue may already have irreversable damages. Targeted "leaf analysis", so to speak “an inventory of the nutrient status of the plant” in specific growth stages brings enlightenment and provides the basis for a professional statement. "Precision farming" gets feasible in plant nutrition with the help of leaf analysis.
NEU - PHYTOsolution und CMM - Crop Microclimate Managememt Inc./USA vereinbaren eine Distributions -Partnerschaft für die D-A-CH-Staaten für die Vermarktung von PHOTON®
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Handelspartner gesucht
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